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    Why does one suppose this case has received very little MSM scrutiny?
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  • Oui and I have been positing this from the beginning. Check Oui's diaries for the connection angles.
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  • If you'd like to find out who some of these lesser known listees are: http://rightweb.irc-online.org/ind/index.php
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  • That clown Blitzer actually refers to Bill Kristol and Chucky Kraut Hammer as "mainstream conservatives." Is there an honest bone…
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  • done
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  • Welcome brother, a fine first foray!
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  • Just watching the re-run on CeeNoNews now. Joe Wilson is lining 'em up and knocking 'em down...no wonder they were…
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  • Hmmm... These names hop to mind: William Kristol Ken Adelman    Gary Bauer    Jeffrey Bell     William J.…
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  • Hey Oui, What do you make of this? Secure tin-foil. http://cytations.blogspot.com/2005/10/are-israelis-retaliating-for.html
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  • Oh, now i get it. Wolfie Blitzer. I wish he would have denounced that BS "Valerie sent you on the…
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  • Hi Susan, What were you referring to when you said Wilson pistol-whipped Wolfowitz? please provide link. Tx.
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  • Tell me you are engaging in snark and not truly calling the prolific "Oui" a "Cracker-Jack" poster...
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  • I, for one, will never forgive Shillbank for what he did to Conyers and the DSM.
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  • Fuck Dana NeoCon Shillbank.
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  • I was speaking to your phony remark that Lieberman is not a Likudnik, but simply a supporter of Israel. An…
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  • All I got was (1) lousy stocking with (5) presents in it!!!    When can we hang more stockings ?!?
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  • I don't know. Probably things like "Lieberman is pro-Israel, not pro-Likud." What a crock.
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  • You introduced the qualifier "to us," as in dangerous to us.  That was not the original construct. Even still, they…
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  • Yes, they've committed some heinous acts of terror, especially against American assets, but that was not your original argument. Your…
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  • That was a rather tepid admission of Lieberman's Likudnik leanings, followed by a nasty cheapshot.
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