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    I agree, but it does appear to have links to some "credible" news sources, especially the British dailies.
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  • This is interesting: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/pathtowar.html
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  • Here's one for you Oui: http://www.sovereignty.org.uk/siteinfo/newsround/iraq4.html
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  • The Neoconservatives are the NYT. The two are now indistinguishable. Miller, Safire, et al have been given wide swaths of…
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  • Hey Connman, Oui has a nice diary on this topic in the reccmd world diaries entitled "Circle Closed." Check it…
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  • Conn.man, appreciate your support. Why oh why do you suppose that this woman Mylroie and her deep longstanding relationship w/…
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  • That would be quite an achievement. I guess it ultimately comes down to how much he values the lives of…
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  • We need to plumb the relationships between Miller/Mylroie/Libby and OSP and AIPAC/ Indicted Israeli Spy Lawrence Franklin. Twice our favorite…
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  • Oui, Oui !!!  Bien Fait, Oui !!! Merci mille fois pour votre bon travail!!!  
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  • You are The Man...eegee !!! But, I confess, I can't figure out the highest value link thingy.
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  • Hello All, How many members are we now?
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  • What is that they say about great minds?
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  • What a coincidence!?! I posted links to Miller & Mylroie's book & the Bergen article last night. I'm glad you…
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  • Who provided you with this link and who inspired you to write this diary?
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  • She lives very well with herself. She sleeps very well with herself. She can look in the mirror every morning…
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  • Hey Boo, can I get some love? A mention perhaps? More on the propagandist Laurie Mylroie
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  • Don't discount the very real possibility that Jude is a Likud Party/Israeli Agent. Dear Judy has had it in for…
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  • Rove to Gannon, as Gannon positions himself behind Scotty. "Bust her! That philly!"
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  • Yeah, I noticed that, too. It almost prevented me from clicking on it. Almost. Classic psyops tactic- mislabel something to…
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  • Consider yourself warned. House Rules: Don't be a prick. Don't be the thought police. First and foremost, I challenge you…
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