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    Turns out you are in rarefied air. That would-be archetypal American War Hero, Former NFL player Pat Tillman, was also…
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  • Since you ask...here is a link w/ some food for thought. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/04/315296.shtml But beware...Pandora's Box...is a lonely place.
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  • Please dig up the link to Boo's take that you cite on resource wars. Thx.
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  • Yes he called him out, but not as a propagandist for Israel's Make Someone Else Fight Your War Machine.
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  • Richard Cohen is about as liberal as your average Brownshirt. I challenge one to read his last 15 columns and…
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  • Hey Larry, beautifully put as usual. But, why doesn't someone with your reputation and credibility come out and call out…
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  • "Madness in great ones must not unwatched go." -Shakespeare
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  • I suppose you don't think reinventing the wheel in the form of an Iranian Bourse is not likely...or quite possibly…
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  • Relax fella, and please re-read the diary. Your comment (load of crap) is way off base. The diarist did not…
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  • After 2 failed US engineered coup d'etats,  Saddam's "intransigence," or more aptly described as Neocon Saddamlust, saved Chavez's bacon. Now…
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  • Nice finish w/ the MLK quote, baby !!! DTF, know that I have your back and am prepared to troll…
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  • My tag-line explains my arrival here. I appreciate the open thought that is allowable here. Could someone please direct me…
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  • NeoCitizen prepared to become further enraged...OK...I mean urther engaged.
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  • Brilliant. A must read. Thank you. I didn't find it imbalanced at all, but considering your DKos roots I understand…
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  • Can we get into it? Purty please?
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  • I figured I'd got straight to Le Roi himself. I asked him this directly on the FP: Hey Boo, L'il…
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  • Hey Boo, L'il off topic (or is it?), but I was wondering when you intend on frontpaging some thoughts on…
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  • When is Boo going to frontpage some thoughts on why and wtf is Israel doing spying on us? ...and on…
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  • The Bosox will come out like cornered dogs and retake the momentum over 2 games at Fenway...then they will stomp…
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  • I'm sure the Franklin/Zionist apologists that litter DKos are not offering the Philippino agent the same latitude...
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