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    As did I. Over at Kos it's the typical "realist" reactionary pap, not to mention use of RNC talking points…
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  • Sit back and watch the Cocksack lynching of Cindy...
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  • That's really surprising. Every time I've even intimated that PNAC's neoconservative ideology was the driving force behind this treasonous war,…
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  • It would be a "mistake" to not applaud you for this stunningly succinct and powerful summation of Iraqgate. Thank you.…
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  • Send it to Pat Buchanon. He'll get on his ass, at least. Pathetic to have to rely on Buchanon to…
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  • Will Olbermann run with this?
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  • Yeah and another from me.
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  • Note: The one time Stewart took someone to task was on "Crossfire" when he outed Tucker Carlson as a real…
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  • That's what sickens me about JonStew. The act of bringing wretched humans like Kristol, Lott, O'Reilly, & Hitchens on the…
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  • Wow, that was quick. I wonder how your cursory search differed from Boo's? That [Hackett Feyadeen] is a morally repugnant…
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  • Who, then, is the republican troll? LOL
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  • Gloating about one's dismissal is not respectful ("new digs") Jerome would do better to factually rebut the accusations leveled at…
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  • Kristol is Satan's Spawn. I can't believe he is actually referred to as a "mainstream conservative" by the MSM. Oh…
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  • Fuck 'em. Fuck those corporate whores !!! We need to petition Boo to make this site a new, or third,…
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  • USA-Secret WWII Weapon Revealed !!!! Dateline 10/24/05 German & Japanese officials issue joint communique lamenting the fact that they did…
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  • When and where will the Hersh/Ritter discussion be aired?
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  • Here are some leads for you OUI: http://www.sw-asia.com/People/Judith_Miller_Naor_Gilon_Franklin_AIPAC.htm http://www.correntewire.com/miller_was_whig_operative_confirmed http://www.cjr.org/issues/2005/5/mccollam.asp
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  • Hey Sally or someone else so inclined, Please post this over at the orange Kool-aid site with whatever caveat you…
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  • DTF...wonderful flourish at the end. No, thanks, give me the damn child proof cap, and sometime late this evening after…
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  • Where? C-Span?
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