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    Which comments re. Blitzer falsehood did you want to clean up?
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  • In the book "Crossing the Rubicon" there is this wonderful map that juxtaposes those 10-15 permanent military bases we're constructing…
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  • To the bunker. Quickly.
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  • Cruz, which ones should we troll-rate?
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  • WE'VE BEEN...NEOCONNEDAGAIN. Not only did Wolf Blitzer work for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),but he also reported for…
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  • Couple random thoughts: Who the Fuck is paying 50Cent to pump Bush and rebuff Kanye West's commentary on Bush??? Anyone…
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  • If we weren't before (not likely,) we sure will be as soon as our google-bombing campaign of Leslie "Wolf" Blitzer…
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  • What's Blitzer's agenda? How does he frame/distill the news? Who is he spinning for? If you said ISRAEL, you are…
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  • Nice job, almost to page 3...couple more clicks ought to do it. That P.O.S. is going to need a teamful…
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  • We are in agreement here. I was simply stating that they would never intimate killing US & "coalition" forces for…
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  • Hey Meteor, Take your reality bit elsewhere. 😉 Let us dream.
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  • Yes, but they definitely did not ever mean to imply [by the use of the word covert] planting explosives on…
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  • Well, it's certainly unconfirmed. War is a very messy business, replete with psychological operations. Clearly, those who wage war (gov'ts)…
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  • Why, yes Stray, yes I was.
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  • Here's a teaser. See above links for the whole sordid affair: "" A growing number of reports suggests that the…
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  • These all point to the same story. Each of them have different links to further research. http://globalresearch.ca/articles/KAM505A.html http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m12022&l=i&size=1&hd=0 http://beirut.indymedia.org/ar//2005/05/2680.shtml
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  • http://www.albasrah.net/maqalat/english/0605/GI-Special-3B54-Marines-Bust-Mercenaries.htm
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  • You supported a known extremist; You repeatedly made ad homenim attacks on many posters and called them names without factual…
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  • Get this man a tip jar.
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  • Need you here: AIPAC WHIG FRANKLIN LIBBY http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/11/2/13243/8451#5
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