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    We already give the apartheid state of Israel in excess of 5 BILLION a year in aid. No, we should…
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  • Free at Last, Free at Last...Thank God, Almighty...we are free at last. No thought police here, nor any rabid, DLC,…
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  • I have casted the proverbial net...wait for the trolls to appear. LOL ***Before anyone takes it upon themself to suggest…
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  • Dkos thugs probably. Check the vile "next hurrah" crowd for alibis... You called out neoconservatives in your first diary here...prepare…
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  • Me either, but I am a tipper!!!
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  • UUUUUUUUmmmmmmmmm....I was wondering what happened to those Int'l ANSWER e-mails I used to receive. I can just picture one of…
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  • Just for the record, I posted this comment in admittedly poor taste before Brenda shared her story. I did not…
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  • Allo Bonddad, What is your position on holding Gold & Gold Stocks as a hedge to a devaluing dollar? SVP?
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  • I'm in.
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  • EAT.
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  • Free Palestine...preferably by non-violent action!!!!!
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  • Well, it seems to me that you have always been a good American, and more importantly a good human being.…
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  • Brenda, Thank you for sharing your very difficult experience(s) with us. I admire your strength and your desire to prevent…
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  • no, pure serendipity. good call!
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  • Bring it Brenda!!! I'll personally set up your legal defense fund, will hold candlelight vigils, write LTEs to secure your…
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  • Hey Madman, you should come over here full-time, if you know what i mean...
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  • Please Brenda, primary sources are very desirable!
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  • This from the A.P. as reported on FoxNews: Be nervous, be very nervous! Monday, May 10, 2004 Two Men Arrested…
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  • Q. Would you want your daughter to join this Army? A. Why yes, where else would her summer job of…
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