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    This needs full-on diary treatment.
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  • This should be a diary here.
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  • Susan, may I give you a zero rating?
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  • Well, my mind's crass enough to think of it, just not clever enough "to fit it in." 😉
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  • That reality certainly plays a role in the sparse coverage of PNAC. In fact, when the term neoconservative came into…
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  • AMEN to all you cats!!! (well except for the proponent of the contrarian view 😉 ) Chertoff engages in some…
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  • Right, the last link I provided in my preceding post is an excerpt from Johnson's book. Good call.
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  • One more drink y'all !!!
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  • Yes, DC is littered w/ right wing think tanks. Conservatives have been very successful at funding and promulgating these propaganda…
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  • Ridiculously Funny !!!!!!
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  • Cool...I'm trying that tonight.
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  • That was a joke, right?
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  • Now, try to explain why you were laughing to your co-workers...
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  • You said: "If Rove is the brain and Bush is the penis, then Bush more than likely tells Rove who…
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  • "Rove is Bush's brain, Bush is Rove's penis.  Rove tells him who to screw, and he does." Now please insert…
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  • What site whould that be, friend?
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  • When are you going to release your GOP bestiary? I want a signed copy, please.
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  • Good one...unless, of course, said diaries defamed many Dkos posters at one time. If one diary slandered 10 Kossacks, it…
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  • Thanks for responding. Will shorten urls in the future. I hope you do get a call for consulting and I…
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  • With all due respect, it seems as though we may go over it here since Booman initiated the conversation.
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