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    and told them that they should remove my name from their data bases, as I no longer interested in receiving…
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  • is see ya got Dorgan, dammit, that makes 2/2 fkg quislings!
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  • quislings! I need to know how Dorgan voted on cloture. I alreay know how Conrad voted, fkg quisling.
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  • 202 224 5521, just tried, hmm, that number seems to be busy!!!
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  • Agreed!! "stockbrokers, investment bankers and lawyers..." in the 80s give-me-mine-era, or maybe they just slept through that past 20 years.…
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  • CSPAN is listing Sen Conrad in the YES column for confirmation of Alito. I'm not feeling well. And I doubt…
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  • agreed, accept that I think things are actually a whole lot worse now, what with the health of the planet…
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  • I was tempted to respond to the first 19 words of the second sentence... but I resisted... sort of... unless…
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  • Time to head out for the non-virtual coffee shop, I'll report back later on the fashion attire of the those…
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  • by compressed air, I'm assuming you mean the little can you get at the office store and not air from…
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  • I've got a bunch of Galloway clips on file, remind me in the FBC sometime. They're priceless!!!
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  • and since there's no web cam link to guide us to their present whereabouts... I shall cease and desist from…
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  • Hep should be yep, but then I'n not sure that's word either
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  • Hep, that's what's happened, and I bet that leg and Muley Twist Canyon was a coded message for...
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  • yeah, but I bet he's got some photos that might prove interesting.
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  • Thanks for a most interesting reply. Weather phenomena has always fascinated me, but ocean/sailing stories are somewhat "alien" to my…
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  • you guys get any farther off to the right I'm going to start calling you, neofrogs! Really, I'd hate to…
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  • Great shot. I like the mood of an oncoming storm. Would that horizontal sorta white line at water level be…
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  • and went downstairs...guess it's time. Hasta manyana sceneyours and sceneyouritas.
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  • Janis at the stadium in Winnipeg, summer of '70. Year you were born, right? Hah. Good year to be born…
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