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    Obama was right not to jump the gun. It might not be terrorism but just another mass murder. Somebody decided…
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  • Why is this in the Times? Don't the screen this stuff? Publish a letter, sure. But why is this a…
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  • Communists throughout history have built public schools. My worthy opponent has said he wants to build public schools. No, I'm…
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  • Soylent Green is coming. Enjoy while you can.
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  • Oh, all this would be easier if the conservatives on the court hadn't abandoned their principled objections to incorporation to…
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  • I like your list but would broaden it to include all hunting rifles or shotguns, semi-automatic or not. Also any…
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  • Is your objection that these guys are into "the politics of personal destruction" or that they are rich and so…
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  • I foresee calls for an amendment. "Nothing in this constitution shall be understood to forbid states to legalize same-sex marriage…
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  • None of these tortured arguments would be necessary were it not for decades of lies about the meaning of "equal…
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  • So Johnson said something about a hated political enemy on a phone call and you take it as gospel? Just…
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  • Oh, it was Buckley and his gang who openly favored Jim Crow, white supremacy in the South and denying blacks…
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  • One of the things that Buchanan never seems to have grasped was it wasn't just the "we're a nation of…
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  • He was fired by a liberal cable network under enormous public pressure from the entire professional left. Contrast his work…
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  • You're very welcome.
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  • Face it, you're an atheist. Western atheists disbelieve, with whatever degree of confidence, in the creator God of Judaism, Christianity,…
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  • Why we should not take the NEWS media too seriously even when they purport to be giving us the unbiased,…
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  • Did he never understand why the Jewish State is in Palestine and not, say, Madagascar? First, there is and has…
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  • They'll buy gay marriage about when they buy Darwin. On second thought, well after they buy Darwin.
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  • "That [immigration w path to citizenship] was a huge middle finger to their racist base." Actually, the immigration deal with…
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  • "Iraq was very good for Halliburton and Dick Cheney." OK, so that explains Dick Cheney. What explains Tony Blair, who…
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