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    Such efforts without gun registration are futile. Having no records of who owns what, the police have no idea whether…
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  • On the other hand, it seems incontestable that many people would insist prevention of terrorism, deliberate attacks aimed at killing…
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  • Oh, POWs can be held for the duration, of course, with no charges and no trial. Another reason some wanted…
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  • People like Krauthammer and Dershowitz defended torture as necessary when used to prevent such extraordinary things as an impending nuclear…
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  • "Anything he said prior to getting his Miranda rights read to him wasn't going to be admissible anyway." So, you…
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  • By "the Judicial Branch if broken" I see you mean the senate, tied in knots by repeated use of the…
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  • Casual reply. Nah, I think the FBI has it right.
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  • "Ex post facto"? Oh, fiddlesticks.
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  • Has anybody ever enjoyed being in a racial minority? Think about it.
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  • DWL for sure.
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  • It's not just the right that's incoherent about Islamism and Muslim terrorism. Both sides play footsie with the terrorists when…
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  • The confession probably won't be admissible, but it might. A conservative court might allow it under that by now infamous…
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  • What's your point? Don't you like Persians?
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  • The right is shizophrenic about Muslim terrorists, and loves them when they can be directed at people they think of…
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  • He was a jerk even then.
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  • The Caucasus, not the Balkans.
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  • Even if it was terrorism and even if it was Muslim terrorism there is no evident connection with al-Qaeda or…
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  • You can yell all you want "It's the same, it's the same." But it's not the same. It's different, and…
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  • I don't recall this about Columbine. What sort of revolution? In their minds, who were the bad guys and who…
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  • "I don't know what is wrong with people." Probably global warming. Expect more as it get's hotter.
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