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    Whose labor needs were those, again? Oh, right. Wall Street.
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  • Actually, K and L's arguments are on target. And, anyway, it would be bad for the GOP nationally (and excellent…
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  • Are you suggesting a coup?
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  • Chile? Pinochet? Allende? Just wondering.
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  • Do you feel that way about all accidental killings or only those involving guns? Don't get too radical just because…
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  • A gasbag enemy sheltering a traitor? Yeah, they'll be irked.
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  • God knows what the hell it means. He's happy with the Egyptian army playing the role Ataturk assigned the Turkish…
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  • Compare, "I couldn't live in DC because spoken black English irritates me, after a while."
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  • I know people are thinking about O'Malley, but do you think Patrick looks that good? It would be useful to…
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  • In short, Greenwald is a liar and thinks it's OK because he's a lawyer. Hmm.
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  • Lawsuit said he did it. Confession too.
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  • Is that what manslaughter is, legally? Killing a person, perhaps not intentionally at all?
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  • I'll skip the reading assignment but I will take your word for that about the wounds.
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  • Just as you say, it's a clash between the GOP plutocrats who want a flood of cheap labor and GOP…
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  • Perhaps a civil suit. Could be a beaut, too. Remember OJ - who was actually guilty, btw? But it looks…
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  • Democratic identity politics and cheap-labor Republicans did this. Phooey.
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  • That is a ridiculous and shoddy over-count.
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  • Given how humans in large numbers choose up sides, the two factors are inseparable. Were racial difference utterly devoid of…
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  • Jesus, more craziness. US out of Syria, please!
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  • What? A tenther among us?
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