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    If you're ready for another Catholic white guy in the White House, sure. Do you think the PUMA's are? What…
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  • We're a Nation of Immigrants. And I, for one, have had about enough, haven't you? And what if your mother…
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  • OK, as Hugo Black used to ask re the First Amendment and the federal government, "What part of 'Congress shall…
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  • Fine. He's a skunk in the tent. And AP were skunks outside it and belong in jail.
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  • I am pining for the days when Wilson passed the Espionage Act. When he put journos with big mouths in…
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  • Cruz, an Hispanic white, is no more a racial minority than I am. Or any other white American who is…
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  • What is a high crime, anyway?
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  • He's mocking them, throwing the AG's complaints against requiring photo id for voters right back in their faces.
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  • Ah, how subtly you defend your man Obama even when he's flat on the wrong side of the liberal agenda…
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  • Watching a crime against democracy happen - even if it is "watched closely" - and failing to denounce it makes…
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  • For Ronnie and the crackpot right of his day the Cold War was such a big deal it made all…
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  • Bosh. They had a good reason not to go public with the detail of what they knew or how they…
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  • `Do you believe that we are engaged in a war on terrorism?' Literally or metaphorically? Literally no, though we are…
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  • Was Keynes really gay? Aw, shucks. Can't believe a word he said, then.
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  • When liberal values conflict. Fun times.
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  • "If it seems absurd to blame Finnish President Sauli Niinistö for the slaughter of civilians in Syria then it should…
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  • If one congressman is powerless, how powerless is one voter?
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  • I love it when you talk sense.
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  • Precocious bunch, your set.
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  • Oh, come on. They are stridently opposed to the existence of Israel. This is what you call "an existential threat."
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