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    From its description alone the national security state is something everyone ought to be opposed to. But not national security.…
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  • "I've come to actively dislike this class of people and doubt that they are compatible with a sustainable civilized future."…
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  • "He wants to know if the country he grew up in really resembled Nazi Germany." One assumes Germany had automobiles…
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  • Did you check out the WSJ piece? All that social justice stuff is far more important than people reading a…
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  • "And as more people read Zinn's books, more people will be informed by his worldview[.]" No, informed about his world…
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  • See comment to This is Progress.
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  • I'm really impressed. Your concern for the constitution and the integrity of the political process is exactly up to the…
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  • I used to think so. No more, though. Parties live by commitment to opposing agendas. You don't win votes by…
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  • "Predominate"?
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  • In fact, those same conservative Republicans' willingness to politicize national security issues (remember Benghazi) is one of the main reasons…
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  • Every bit as fanatical and dedicated as the usual liberal or feminist activist. Think of Carrie Nation's hatchet.
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  • Thirty years ago?
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  • Did he kill anyone? Toss a bomb? Or did he just support the IRA?
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  • You're sure the differences in perception are due to racism, though you don't know what kind. But you also seem…
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  • Z got off because there was not proof beyond a reasonable doubt he had broken the law.
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  • "If I've noticed an article of faith in the black community, it is that the case would not be so…
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  • Shame on you. Go hide in a corner.
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  • Held accountable for what? Shooting somebody in self-defense? If he was in the wrong it should be second degree. If…
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  • "Republicans are doing pretty well with white voters currently, but to do better they need to increase the percentage of…
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  • Another one of those things O is up to that draw criticism from both the left and the right.
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