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    Hamilton was a nationalist who was not made happy by the "Great Compromise." He would have preferred to abolish the…
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  • Be brave. It's a tiny step toward democracy. It might be good for us, in net. How you would have…
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  • Everything you said is right, and anyway the best 18th Century fit to the core ideology of the right is…
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  • And if in the count A leads B by 163 my one vote won't push it the other way. I…
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  • In my own Boomer generation, growing up in Massachusetts, endogamy with respect to religion and ethnic group were culturally and…
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  • He's a complete fraud. That's his entire career.
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  • If state representation in the senate was proportionate to population would Republicans ever again have a majority in that body?
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  • "Some ideas deserve to be debated, and others should be confronted with baseball bats." - Benito Mussolini, 1923. oh, wait.…
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  • Yeah. Maybe we should get another proletariat.
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  • In a nutshell, there are no Republican moderates. No conservative politician rejects hostage taking or even forcing the country into…
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  • Ah. A crazy Jew wants us to nuke Iran for Israel. And he's the GOP's biggest contributor. Fancy that.
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  • A second thought. Will supported the hostage taking, as did Pat Buchanan and many other long term mouthpieces and leaders…
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  • The real fissure widens. Between the Reaganite, Wall Street class warriors and the Christian theocrats. Not between the radical, by-any-means-necessary…
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  • The battle to destroy Obamacare and every vestige of American social democracy is an obsession of the libertarians and the…
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  • If the GOP flinches the tea baggers will continue to believe the Dems would have flinched in time and, if…
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  • "When your base is riding around on Medicare scooters, you don't want to make slashing Medicare and Social Security your…
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  • Well, we all hope you are right. But the rwnm propaganda war blaming the Dems for not surrendering to stop…
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  • Boo, couldn't agree more. Only hope O and HR and the rest have the spine to stick it out. Government…
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  • You said they're wrong about everything but then your account shows they basically get it, but have values opposite to…
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  • Yesterday afternoon on the radio somebody said that in a recent poll 25% of Americans FAVORED the shutdown. That woman…
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