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    So people with Down's Syndrome should be euthanized because they had the bad luck not to be aborted by Mom?
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  • Yup. He and the Dems made the GOP pretense to be the friend of the working man and the defender…
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  • Dataguy: Yup.
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  • "The bottom line is that our elections don't do that great of a job of reflecting the will of the…
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  • Quotes, not parens. And he deserves a stiff punishment, but not the cruel, unconstitutional, and illegal crap they've been forcing…
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  • You need an explanation? Terrorism is the explanation. And I'm fine with this.
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  • Nope. The conservative voters hurt badly by sequestration blame the Democrats, socialism, the blue-state takers, blah, blah, blah. They don't…
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  • Why do you think they started taking everybody's finger-prints upon arrest? The idea this was and is done primarily for…
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  • "I believe the root problem here is that Republicans told lies for so long that they finally produced a generation…
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  • With you all the way. Shut the damned door for decades. Deport most illegals. No citizenship and no vote, ever,…
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  • And there are people who want to move there. Low state taxes. Gun rights. Repeat after me. "Idiot, idiot, idiot."
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  • Basically, people are selfish jerks. Reporters too. The front page comes first. And then when challenged you say, "Hey, if…
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  • What sword would that be?
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  • I'm on your side, but your "middle of the game" argument is just one more conservative argument against any change…
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  • I was going to write that it's not that journos are malicious, ignorant, and stupid but that they are professionally…
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  • You could be the only well-known liberal on the web taking the view that it is logically possible for a…
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  • Though the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were stupid from the beginning, his counter-terrorism policies have been fine, including the…
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  • You do realize you sound almost like Geert Wilders, here? Or any number of others who have said that Muslims…
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  • I should think if they don't condemn it that's prima facie evidence they condone it. Good liberal logic about Republicans…
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  • He may also be the most hated governor in the US. Think of the anger of the opposition he and…
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