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    I'd vote for him, again. The next Dem will be more bellicose, if it's Hillary.
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  • So when do you move?
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  • Nice posts. Thank you. Glad to see at least one person in DC realizes the cold war is over and…
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  • Syria is NOT hard. We have no more business making demands on Syria than does Uruguay. And no more reason…
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  • Readers of Breitbart and Newsbusters think Assad is right for the job and the opposition is in bed with al-Qaeda,…
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  • Just another bullshit pretext for a regime change operation they wanted, all along, anyway.
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  • "While she made a good argument about the differences, the problem is the similarities." Yeah, from the viewpoint of our…
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  • "I woke up this morning to discover that Secretary of State John Kerry is over in London making impossible demands…
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  • You wrote, I think most progressives are still supportive of anti-proliferation efforts and international norms against things like gassing innocent…
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  • Welcome to the team, BooMan. You will be a full-scale isolationist when you reject talk of a duty of rescue…
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  • You seriously think us jumping into another Middle Eastern mess is going to serve our own interests well enough to…
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  • I don't need to see more. I'm against intervention. I don't care if Assad is a cannibal and eats the…
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  • Somehow, I had the impression rape required fucking. Not a lawyer, though. So what's the issue, exactly? He doesn't like…
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  • So let the Germans attack Syria, if they've a mind to. Yankee stay home. These assholes in DC will go…
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  • Not our job to deter rogue nations. Not what we're paying taxes for. Anyway, not what we want to be…
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  • Oh, the pres doesn't get to revise the constitution at will.
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  • The precedent is bad and there is no need to consult congress for action short of war. But as a…
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  • Better late than never to join the club of those worried about what too many decades of "win at any…
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  • If O tries to get congressional auth he won't get it. If he does something without auth he will be…
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  • What are his legitimate grievances? Near as I can tell, he and Miranda and Snowden all belong in prison.
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