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    Lemieux is grossly unfair to Wilentz, as are you.
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  • But, nothing will come of it if it does nothing more than reinvigorate the center. True, but nothing will come…
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  • "He has not gone to church hardly at all, as president," said Gary Scott Smith, the author of "Faith and…
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  • I seriously doubt that more than half our presidents regularly went to church services. Even in the last few decades,…
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  • So the only purpose of this post was to vent your urge to be abusive?
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  • Let's wait for the first free and open election.
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  • You think it's cool? It should make you a little nervous.
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  • You slide awfully slickly between "look white" and "is white." What the heck is this actually about?
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  • "If they can pass it, fine. But, if they can't, it's clearly John Boehner's fault." No, no, no. It we…
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  • I like unicameralism, and majoritarianism, too. Minorities always find majoritarianism "tyrranical." Better that then having majorities suffer the tyranny of…
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  • This from a supporter of the Clintons?
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  • "Right thinking"? Interesting that a purported liberal would have such a concept.
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  • We are not at war with Cuba.
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  • I can see a church forbidding egregious defiance of its teachings from those who teach at its schools. But but…
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  • I trust that's a figurative use of "literally."
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  • If you're going to re-write the constitution, for God's sake abolish judicial review or get rid of life tenure. And…
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  • Who broke the senate? The convention in Philadelphia, when they adopted the Connecticut Compromise instead of representation according to population…
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  • If the existence of Israel depends so heavily on the US that means Israel has NO ONE willing to rise…
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  • We should dump Israel, anyway. Supporting them was a mistake all the way back to Truman.
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  • "It's that precedent that can be used to eliminate the filibuster on legislation (e.g., to ban abortion or privatize Social…
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