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    I think Trump is really tired of the presidency, and would love to not be president, but for the fact…
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  • Less-educated whites are far more inclined to support Donald Trump and far less likely to respond to a political survey…
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  • But how effective is he really? If the scope of effectiveness includes "all voters" then he's not that effective,having never…
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  • Trump’s act may be old and curdled, but it’s the only thing that makes him attractive at all, and if…
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  • Regarding LBJ's comment above, that is race and the utility of it in a nutshell right there. This has been…
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  • President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored…
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  • While the above may be an opinion 538 holds based on some statistics they have developed, and it may very…
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  • It doesn't appear that white women as a group tend to be more enlightened, per se, just because they are…
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  • Stiffing contractors, breaking agreements and under delivering are Trump specialties. So why should the GOP worry? This is their latest…
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  • Let's see: 10/2019 - Woman shot through window of her own home by cop 2/2020 - Man out for a…
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  • I think it’s likely he did something... And that's the same nut that they used to push the "Hillary's Emails!"…
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  • There is the unmistakable feeling that there is no longer the sense of urgency with respect to mitigating infection and…
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  • Selfishness, greed and apathy, fed by the intentional dumbing down of public discourse has led to the inevitable - a…
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  • Michelle Obama is a smart and capable woman, smarter than most who run for office, maybe more so than her…
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  • I agree. At the very least, the voters need to be reminded of what Trump has done pre-virus, as reasons…
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  • I agree with this assessment, however I keep being reminded that the gullibility of the US electorate cannot be underestimated
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  • "I can live a very happy life without paying any attention whatsoever to politics or the news." Sure you can,…
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  • It in itself is fraudulent.
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  • And there's a significant difference between 1972 and 2020. Nixon's approval rating between 1969 and 1972 averaged 49%. Around the…
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  • Its a sign of how far we've sunk qualitatively, when it comes to our political leaders, that Romney is lauded…
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